Tuesday 4 May 2010

Elder of Ziyon: PA mourns death of Neturei Karta leader

PA mourns death of Neturei Karta leader

Ma'an Arabic says that the PA sent a high-level delegation to the funeral of Moshe Hirsch, the Neturei Karta leader who did everything he could to destroy Israel while claiming that the Torah demands it.

The delegation presented a telegram to Hirsch's son from Mahmoud Abbas.

Sorry for posting this during lunchtime.

Elder of Ziyon: PA mourns death of Neturei Karta leader

Elder of Ziyon: What a surprise!

What a surprise!

As you all know, I spend a great deal of time reading the Arabic press. By definition, the press is more moderate and thoughtful than the Arabic message boards or social media. Even so, however, it truly is a different world out there - a different mindset, a different narrative, a different history - than how Westerners think.

There is some internal consistency in the narrative, although it is comical when it comes up against real facts, which the Arab media tends to dismiss as lies or as conspiracies.

The readers of that media know, for a fact, that terrorism is a Zionist attribute. There are some crazy Islamic extremists but they are a tiny minority. The major danger to the world at large is Israel. Yet when a Koran is allegedly desecrated, the billion peaceful Muslims who are exhorted to violently come to the defense of Islam in that same media. No contradiction there.

So we can expect to see massive amounts of cognitive dissonance in reaction to the news that the person who attempted to kill hundreds of people in Times Square, Faisal Shahzad, is a Muslim. It will end up, as always, being a Zionist plot.

Elder of Ziyon: What a surprise!

Elder of Ziyon: Ha'aretz' top analysts catch up with the Elder

Ha'aretz' top analysts catch up with the Elder

One of the better part of Ha'aretz is called "The MESS Report" where their senior reporters do some real reporting and analysis.

Today's report discusses Hamas' severe economic problems.

Only a couple of weeks since I started talking about it.

(Hey, sometimes I need to brag a little.)

Elder of Ziyon: Ha'aretz' top analysts catch up with the Elder

Elder of Ziyon: PalArabs say Israeli media all in Israel's pocket

PalArabs say Israeli media all in Israel's pocket

Palestine Today has an article that claims that the Israeli media is all part of the great Zionist conspiracy, reporting what its Israeli masters demand and an integral part of the huge worldwide Zionist Hasbara campaign run by Israel with help from Jews worldwide. The headline is: "Israeli media .. Deceit, cunning, deception, intelligence"

Yesterday, however, in the very same newspaper, there was an article that described the Arab journalists who were killed while covering Gaza fighting as being "martyrs" who heroically document their history and their cause. One of them, for example, was killed while he was filming terrorists launching rockets at Israel, and Israel retaliated.

Elder of Ziyon: PalArabs say Israeli media all in Israel's pocket

Elder of Ziyon: Arab hip-hoppers freak over Israeli keffiyeh

Arab hip-hoppers freak over Israeli keffiyeh

I have mentioned that a couple of companies have made Zionist versions of the keffiyeh, causing much consternation from Arabs worldwide and gathering ridiculous amounts of publicity for what is essentially a Jewish novelty item.

Well, now the hip-hop world is joining the battle.

A female Arab hip-hop star, Shadia Mansour, has made an entire song protesting the Israeli keffiyeh, insisting that the keffiyeh is Arabic. Some of the translated lyrics:

The kuffiyeh is Arabic, and it will stay Arabic

The gear we rock, they want it; our culture, they want it

Our dignity, they want it; everything that’s ours, they want it

They imitatin us in what we wear, wear; from this land enough, what else do you want?

Before y’all ever rocked a kuffiyeh, we here to remind em who we are

And whether they like it or not, this is our clothing style

That’s why we rock the kuffiyeh, cuz it’s patriotic

The kuffiyeh, the kuffiyeh is Arabic

That’s why we rock the kuffiyeh, our essential identity

The kuffiyeh, the kuffiyeh is Arabic

Come on, throw up the kuffiyeh (throw that kuffiyeh up for me)

The kuffiyeh, the kuffiyeh is Arabic

Throw it up, come on “Bilad Al Sham” (Greater Syria)

The kuffiyeh is Arabic, and it will stay Arabic

I like the "Greater Syria" lyric. I also like the fact that the song pretty much admits that the keffiyeh is not historically "Palestinian" but Arab.

This is all giving much publicity to the Zionist version, which has its own short video.

Meanwhile, there was an Arab hip-hop concert called "The Arab League of Hip-Hop" in Brooklyn. The highlight was an emotional rap song called "Long Live Palestine." As one would expect from a "national" movement that is really based on the eradication of another nation, the lyrics of the song are not about Palestine but rather about how evil Israel is - and a call to boycott supposedly "Zionist" companies. Here are some of the lyrics:

While we listen to tunes, made by ignorant fools,
Israel blocked the UN from delivering food,
They'll bring in the troops and you won't even glimpse at the news,
They make money of the products that we are quick to consume,
It's not simply a question of differing views

Every coin is a bullet, if you're Mark's and Spencer,
And when your sipping Coca-Cola,
That's another pistol in the holster of a soulless soldier,
You say you know about the Zionist lobby,
But you put money in their pocket when you're buying their coffee,
Talking about revolution, sitting in Starbucks,
The fact is that's the type of thinking I can't trust,
Let alone even start to respect,
Before you talk learn the meaning of that scarf on your neck,
Forget Nestle,
Obama promised Israel 30 billion over the next decade,
They're trigger happy and they're crazy,
Think about that when you're putting Huggies nappies on your baby,

Israel is a terror state, there terrorists that terrorise,
I testify, my television televised them telling lies,
This is not a war, it is systematic genocide,
But whatever they try, Palestine will never die!!!

What a great example of Palestinian Arab nationalism! Very little good to say about their beloved mythical homeland - just calumnies against the Jewish state.

The only thing binding Palestinian Arabs is hate.

Elder of Ziyon: Arab hip-hoppers freak over Israeli keffiyeh

Yaacov Lozowick's Ruminations: The NIF Slogs On

The NIF Slogs On

Someone broke into the Jerusalem offices of the NIF. The CEO of NIF Israel, Rachel Liel, says she and Naomi Hazan are receiving threatening letters.

Assuming the burglary has anything to do with anything, these are disturbing developments, and must be unequivocally condemned, with no "ifs or buts".

Proportions, however, that's another matter. An unknown number of unidentified hoodlums, probably cowardly acting anonymously, remain unidentified and hoodlums until proven otherwise.

Daniel Sokatch, on the other hand, the CEO of NIF, is a public figure with some authority; people respect him, take him seriously, admire him for his commitment to Israel and its causes. (In America. In Israel no-one has ever heard of him). When he sends out a mass e-mail calling on America's Jews - or at least those of them identified by the NIF - to write large checks ASAP, because only the NIF can save Israel's soul, this is partly pure cynicism, and partly a demonizing of Israeli society, and largely breathtakingly arrogant, and above all a distorted falsehood.

We have our work cut out for us. Ha’aretz reported today that more than half of Jewish Israelis believe that the free speech rights of organizations like the New Israel Fund should be limited. The survey finds that a majority of respondents think there is too much freedom of expression in Israel.

Please make an urgent contribution to the New Israel Fund today. Your support will help us take a stand against extremism and protect democratic values in Israel.

This new demonstration of the decreasing commitment to bedrock democratic principles presents one of the most fundamental challenges in the long history of the New Israel Fund. We are committed to reversing this trend and we need your support to make that happen.

As profoundly disturbing as this news is, it should come as no surprise to us, in light of increasing efforts to stifle dissent within Israel. The attacks on NIF in particular have been exceptionally virulent. We continue to confront scurrilous public campaigns fueled by outright false allegations and willful misrepresentations of who we are. Our adversaries have gone so far as to call for people to pray for harm to us and our allies who dare to question government policy -- a truly despicable act.

The New Israel Fund is not standing idly by as freedom of speech and conscience are sacrificed to a dangerous political agenda. Our work in Israel is the single most important investment that you can make in democratic values and freedom and justice for every Israeli.

From a human rights march that drew thousands of ordinary Israelis to victories in the High Court ….from strengthening liberal voices in the Orthodox community to empowering Israel’s minorities to fight for their rights ….the work of the New Israel Fund family is the antidote to the creeping erosion of democratic values.

The ferocity of the attacks on NIF and the organizations we support demonstrate the fear and anger that underlie nationalist and religious extremism. Our adversaries know that we will not retreat from our vision of a Jewish and democratic Israel that actually lives up to its standing as the only democracy in the Middle East.

Thank you for your support, and please make a special contribution to allow us to build new programs to defend democracy in Israel. Together, we’ll build a Jewish and democratic Israel we can all be proud of – an Israel that rightfully keeps its place in the ranks of free and democratic societies.

Then there's this revealing little news item (only in Hebrew, obviously): The NIF's Palestinian program is calling for proposals to build programs that will reduce the level of violence in Palestinian society. Somewhere, deep down in the psyche of the NIF, someone seems to have at least some grasp on reality.

But don't expect Sokatch to be sending out e-mails about this anytime soon.

Yaacov Lozowick's Ruminations: The NIF Slogs On

DoubleTapper: Dry Bones Truths

Dry Bones Truths

تنسيق-الكليات-لعام سكس نيك كس

DoubleTapper: Dry Bones Truths

Israel Matzav: Overnight music video

Overnight music video

Here's a 'concept video' about the real heroes and weapons of the Jewish people to the music of Avraham Fried singing Al Tira Avdi Yaakov (Do Not Fear, My Servant Yaakov). And there are some surprises at the end.

Let's go to the videotape.

Israel Matzav: Overnight music video

Israel Matzav: An Israeli's perspective on Times Square

An Israeli's perspective on Times Square

David Hazony has some advice that ought to make Americans think about how lucky they are that the bomb in Times Square on Sunday did not explode.

You can't be lucky forever. While security in the US was tightened in office buildings, sports stadiums and airports since 9/11, there are still far too many targets for ambitious terrorists. While I love the freedom of being able to enter stores and shopping malls unmolested in the US, I fear that's a luxury that Americans may not be able to have much longer. I also fear the terror attack that may - God forbid - kill dozens of people and awaken you to that reality. We've been aware of it for a long time here. Let me give you an idea of the sort of thing I fear in the US.

On December 5, 2005, a 'Palestinian' suicide bomber blew himself up outside the Sharon Mall in Netanya. Five people were killed and 58 were wounded. The only reason the casualty total was not worse - a lot worse - was because people had identified the terrorist as a suicide bomber, and because the guard prevented him from entering the crowded mall where his bomb would have had more impact.

According to witnesses, a female police officer and civilians passing by identified the terrorist as a suicide bomber, and managed to shout out warnings to others. The guard to the shopping center prevented the terrorist from entering the building, but could not prevent him from blowing himself up. He was killed as he prevented the suicide bomber from entering the mall.

Please read the whole thing (especially if you live outside of Israel) and think about how much of your personal freedom you are willing to compromise to have a better chance of saving your life. Personally, I'd rather be inconvenienced but alive.

Israel Matzav: An Israeli's perspective on Times Square

Israel Matzav: Surprise! Hezbullah part of Kuwait spy ring

Surprise! Hezbullah part of Kuwait spy ring

On Sunday, I reported that Kuwait had busted an Iranian spy ring that was searching for Kuwaiti and American targets in Kuwait. To no one's surprise, Lebanon's Naharnet is reporting that two of the members of that spy ring were Hezbullah operatives from Lebanon (Hat Tip: RPS).

Two Lebanese residents of Kuwait have reportedly played an important role in a spy cell working for Iran's elite Revolutionary Guards Corps, with one financing it.

Kuwait's al-Qabas daily has said that at least seven members of the alleged cell, some serving in the army and police, had been arrested by the emirate's security forces.

It said they were assigned to monitor Kuwaiti and U.S. military bases and inform the Guards.

The daily said on Sunday that the cell included six Kuwaitis and two bidoon, or stateless Arabs, in the army and that the two Lebanese men played an important role in the network, with one financing it.

The other Lebanese passed information from the cell to a Guards liaison officer who met cell members in the Iranian cities of Mashhad and Isfahan, according to al-Qabas.

The newspaper said that the two Lebanese are still on the run.

Of course, Iran is denying the story.

Israel Matzav: Surprise! Hezbullah part of Kuwait spy ring

Love of the Land: John Mearsheimer’s Latest Disgrace: He Reveals His Deep Anti-Semitism

John Mearsheimer’s Latest Disgrace: He Reveals His Deep Anti-Semitism

Ron Radosh
02 May '10

John Mearsheimer has stooped to new lows since writing The Israel Lobby with his co-author Stephen Walt. From being known as an eminent political thinker of the “realist” school- once associated with scholars of note like the late Hans Morgenthau-Mearsheimer now associates himself with certified crackpots, the kind of people who do not even try to hide their blatant anti-Semitism.

When their book was published, a debate ensued over whether or not it was proper to call it anti-Semitic, or whether it should simply be attacked as it was by most commentators as an over the top argument about AIPAC’s control of American foreign policy. Virtually all mainstream reviews in the United States panned the book. One of the most devastating critiques was by Walter Russell Mead, who wrote that although he did not think the authors were anti-Semitic, they wrote a book that anti-Semites would love. Mead continued: “The authors do what anti-Semites have always done: they overstate the power of Jews. Although Mearsheimer and Walt make an effort to distinguish their work from anti-Semitic tracts, the picture they paint calls up some of the ugliest stereotypes in anti-Semitic discourse.”

In The Wall Street Journal, Jeff Robins argued that Mearsheimer and Walt might deny they are anti-Semites, but since they “devote themselves to criticizing American Jews for lobbying their public officials in support of the Jewish state, one may legitimately wonder what phrase would apply.” Their disclaimer that they are not anti-Semites, he concluded, “lack a certain credibility.”

The Future of Palestine: Righteous Jews vs. New Afrikaners
by John J. Mearsheimer

Click here for full transcript of speech

Mearsheimer’s recent speech to the Palestine Center in Washington, DC on April 29th, shows that the question of whether or not he can be called anti-Semitic is no longer up for debate.

(Read full post)

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Love of the Land: John Mearsheimer’s Latest Disgrace: He Reveals His Deep Anti-Semitism

Love of the Land: Khan Younis man killed by misfired projectile

Khan Younis man killed by misfired projectile

Maan News Agency
03 May '10

(Any guess as to how many times this happens?)

Gaza – Ma'an – Palestinian resistance fighters from an unknown faction (because someone makes a mistake, should we also embarrass them?) misfired a projectile Sunday night, hitting a Khan Younis home and critically injuring one man who later died in hospital, sources in Gaza said.

Eighteen-year-old Ibrahim Sulaiman Malalha was taken to the Nasser Hospital in Khan Younis then transferred to the European Hospital in Gaza City for treatment of injuries described as critical. He was announced dead on Monday morning, medical sources said.

Two others were taken to the Khan Younis hospital for treatment, medics confirmed.

Sources said resistance fighters were training in a field outside the city, when a projectile was misfired.

Love of the Land: Khan Younis man killed by misfired projectile

Love of the Land: What Happens When Iran Gets the Bomb

What Happens When Iran Gets the Bomb

Jennifer Rubin
03 May '10

John Bolton writes that we can no longer avoid the obvious: “There are only two options: Iran gets nuclear weapons, or someone uses pre-emptive military force to break Iran’s nuclear fuel cycle and paralyze its program, at least temporarily.” The watered-down sanctions under contemplation by the UN or being slow-walked through Congress are too little, too late. And as Bolton notes, it is virtually inconceivable that Obama will employ military force to thwart the mullahs’ nuclear plans. So where does that leave us? Bolton explains:

That leaves Israel, which the administration is implicitly threatening not to resupply with airplanes and weapons lost in attacking Iran—thereby rendering Israel vulnerable to potential retaliation from Hezbollah and Hamas.

It is hard to conclude anything except that the Obama administration is resigned to Iran possessing nuclear weapons. While U.S. policy makers will not welcome that outcome, they certainly hope as a corollary that Iran can be contained and deterred. Since they have ruled out the only immediate alternative, military force, they are doubtless now busy preparing to make lemonade out of this pile of lemons.

The notion that we can contain a nuclear-armed Iran is preposterous — for we are not containing an Iran that lacks a nuclear capability. For those who perceive a nuclear-armed revolutionary Islamic state as literally “unacceptable” — not merely regrettable, as the Obami seem to — Bolton suggests that it is time to begin marshalling support for Israel’s military action:

(Read full post)

Love of the Land: What Happens When Iran Gets the Bomb

DoubleTapper: Israel's Peace Partners

Israel's Peace Partners

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Dalal Mughrabi, the 19-year-old Terrorist woman who led the "Coastal Road massacre" in March 1978 that killed 37 civilians in a bus hijacking that killed more Israelis than any other single terror attack.

Her abominable name has been immortalized through the designation of 2 elementary schools, a kindergarten, a computer center, summer camps, sporting tournaments, a community center, a sports team, a public square, a street, an election course, an adult education course, a university club, a dance troupe, a military unit, a dormitory in a youth center, TV series, a TV quiz team and a graduation ceremony.

How do we make peace when
they hate us more then they love their children?

تنسيق-الكليات-لعام سكس نيك كس

DoubleTapper: Israel's Peace Partners

Elder of Ziyon: PalArabs claiming that prison guards tore Koran

PalArabs claiming that prison guards tore Koran

Publicity-seeking Sheikh Tayseer Tamimi of Jerusalem seems to have a quota of how many outraged press conferences he needs to give per week. If nothing outrageous happens, he's duty bound to make it up.

Today's non-story of outrage is the claim that an Israeli prison guard in Ashkelon's prison tore a Koran.

As Tamimi said, ""the Koran contains the Enshrined Word of God Almighty, revealed to His Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, a divine and sacred book, proving the biggest miracles of the Prophet peace be upon him, and any violation of the sanctity and holiness is an act contrary to the teachings of divine laws and international conventions that guarantee freedom of belief and worship and [desecrating it is] one of the biggest religious and moral vices.

He seems to be very serious about his outrage that a Koran is torn in an Israeli prison.

Yet the only English-language story I can find about a Koran being torn in an Israeli prison comes from 2005, and the circumstances were somewhat different:

A female Palestinian security prisoner in Ashkelon’s Shikma Prison tore up pages from a copy of the Quran and threw them toward the toilet during a routine search Sunday, the Israel Prison Service said.

The 22-year-old detainee from a village near Hebron is an Islamic Jihad member who was arrested three months ago in suspicion of hostile terror activity.

She resisted a routine search by a female guard, and then took out torn Quran pages from her skirt and hurled them toward the toilet.

The guard handed the torn Quran pages to the prison’s director, and Prison Service officials said she showed heightened sensitivity to the holy Islamic book.

A month ago Palestinian security prisoners detained in the Megiddo Prison claimed prison guards tore up pages from Quran copies during searches of their cells.

However, a special investigative committee found the prisoners themselves had torn the Quran copies in an attempt to stir controversy.

According to the Prison Service, prisoner representatives apologized for the incident, saying it was a Hamas-affiliated minority that carried out the act.

So in 2005, Korans were torn by both Islamic Jihad members and Hamas members in Israeli prisons.

You will recall, of course, the outrage and riots that spontaneously broke out against those groups because of how much every believing Muslim loves the Koran and is uncontrollably outraged whenever it gets desecrated, no matter who does the vile act.

You mean you don't remember those 2005 riots against Hamas and Islamic Jihad?

Elder of Ziyon: PalArabs claiming that prison guards tore Koran

Elder of Ziyon: Al Quds University offers a course in blogging

Al Quds University offers a course in blogging

Ma'an Arabic mentions that Al Quds Open University in Nablus offers a course on blogging.

The course includes "training concepts about the nature of blogging and its importance and prevalence in the world."

If they'd pay my airfare, I'd offer to be a guest lecturer.

Elder of Ziyon: Al Quds University offers a course in blogging

Elder of Ziyon: Evil Jewish plot to indoctrinate Egyptian children

Evil Jewish plot to indoctrinate Egyptian children

The Egyptian government and UNESCO has been working on a project for the past few years to reform and improve Egyptian education, called the "National Strategic Plan for Pre-University Education."

An opposition politician in Egypt is now warning about the dangers of this plan.

Ahmed Jebali, head of the People's Democratic Party of Egypt, has discovered a frightening fact - an American Jewish expert, from USAID, is involved in creating the new Egyptian school curriculum!

Now, Jebali says, a Jew is going to control the information that goes into the tender young heads of Muslims attending Islamic schools in Egypt - which is a huge disgrace.

In his words, "This is part of a major U.S. project that aims to provide entertaining and fun books for children, which will be introduced in three stages in 39,000 government schools in all governorates of Egypt, which requires the exclusion of any religious or Islamic history books, under the American plan to "dry up terrorism ", as the curriculum of Islamic education and Islamic history is a tributary of terrorism from the standpoint of America."

According to Jebali, the plan would reduce the amount of Quranic studies by 65% and the amount of education of Islamic conquests by 35%. (Exactly what percentage of time these schools spend on "Islamic conquests" as opposed to, say, arithmetic, is an open question.)

Jebali goes on to mention the shocking fact that in Jordan, the Ministry of Education has already approved the use of new textbooks that encourage students to distinguish between legitimate resistance to occupation and "terrorism."

This is an outrage!

Elder of Ziyon: Evil Jewish plot to indoctrinate Egyptian children

Elder of Ziyon: Egyptian musician union bans "gay" Elton John

Egyptian musician union bans "gay" Elton John

From the Hindustan Times:

Egypt's musician's union on Sunday rejected plans for British singer Elton John to perform a private concert scheduled for May 18, because of his "controversial remarks attacking religions".

"How do we allow a gay, who wants to ban religions, claimed that the prophet Eissa (Jesus) was gay and calls for Middle Eastern countries to allow gays to have sexual freedom," head of the Egyptian Musician Union, Mounir al-Wasimi told DPA.

The pop superstar, 63, stirred controversy after his remarks to US celebrity news magazine Parade in February, where he said "Try being a gay woman in the Middle East - you're as good as dead", after saying he believed Jesus was "gay".

Al-Wasimi said that he has begun coordinating with security bodies to ban John's concert, saying that the union is the only body "authorised to allow performances by foreign singers in Egypt".

Al Arabiya quotes al-Wasimi further, as saying "a concert in Cairo from Elton John sets a dangerous precedent..because he is a symbol for homosexuals in the world and his presence will open the doors to the rest of the homosexual artists to perform in Egypt."

Elton John is scheduled to perform in Israel on June 17.

Elder of Ziyon: Egyptian musician union bans "gay" Elton John

Elder of Ziyon: Arabs upset at "Jew" Murdoch buying stake in Arab media powerhouse

Arabs upset at "Jew" Murdoch buying stake in Arab media powerhouse

Palestine Today has an article about how "Jew" Rupert Murdoch is buying a 9.1% stake of Arab media powerhouse Rotana Holdings, something I reported in late March.

Usually, PalToday attempts to put a slight sheen of objectivity in its articles, but this reporter went over the edge. The article repeatedly refers to Murdoch as Jewish, a fact that seems tenuous at best. It refers to the Wall Street Journal as an arm of the "Israel Lobby," and that Murdoch is the "Emperor of the Zionist Lobby."

Its analysis is that Tel Aviv is behind this purchase of a stake of Rotana, because Israeli are trying to change Arab perceptions of Israel. This is supposedly a two-track plan, one to increase how well Israel is looked at in the European and American media, and the other to make Arabs look as bad as possible. "American Zionist billionaire" Murdoch, of course, is a key part of this conspiracy. He even met with Jordan's Queen Rania together with Hollywood celebrities recently (or, perhaps, the queen was profiled in Hello! magazine - I'm not sure.)

Soon, Zionist dramas will replace the Arab dramas that Rotana produces, the article goes on to predict, subtly brainwashing the Arabs to love Israel - which would be, for blindingly obvious reasons that the reporter doesn't even have to mention, catastrophic.

Elder of Ziyon: Arabs upset at "Jew" Murdoch buying stake in Arab media powerhouse

Yaacov Lozowick's Ruminations: Towers on a Hill

Towers on a Hill

We've got a major corruption story on our hands these past few weeks. If you believe the spin, a former prime minster, two former mayors of Jerusalem, lots of important civil servants and a gaggle of lawyers and investors will all eventually go to jail.

Earlier this afternoon I had a chat with one of our very top journalists. I won't name him, but he would be at or near the top of the list of any informed Israeli asked to name our important journalists (so: it's not Gideon Levy). I was asking him about the story, which has been rumbling along for a month or so, and he commented - correctly, but a bit surprisingly - that 100% of what we're getting these days is slanted information crafted by folks who may or may not know what they're talking about, but are primarily committed to getting their version out to the public, irrespective of its accuracy.

So that's comforting to know. Sounds like most of the news-cycle the world over.

The other day The Economist reported on the story. I read the Guardian to follow the themes of current antisemitism. The Economist, however, I read - a bit warily - in the hope of hearing what goes on in the world. So what, I ask myself, am I to make of this?

THE distinctiveness of Israel’s latest corruption scandal is that it almost literally hits you in the eye. Many Jerusalemites feel affronted each time they look up at the Holyland Project, a string of four high-rise buildings tearing through the skyline on the western hilltops edging the city. Five more towers are to rise up under plans inexplicably approved by the municipal and district authorities.

Here, have a look (source):
Does that look like four towers? I think it looks like eight, but maybe that's just me. For the life of me I can't see how it can be construed as four. Another four are planned, making a total of twelve (12).

How to explain the report of the Economist? I admit, it's not that crucial - but nor is it hard to get the true number. There are complex stories in the world, one or two even here in Jerusalem. But this is not one of them.

Yaacov Lozowick's Ruminations: Towers on a Hill