Friday 1 May 2009

Hate Speech Thriving on Internet Message Boards

Hate Speech Thriving on Internet Message Boards
The dangers and opportunities of internet message boards.

In the past, websites were merely sources of information. Now, with the advent of the next generation of internet technology known as Web 2.0, websites are increasingly interactive, allowing the user, for example, to post videos, add content and comment on news stories.

Like HonestReporting, which encourages our readers to comment on our communiques through our Backspin blog, most media websites allow their readers to comment on editorial and opinion pieces, albeit through a moderator to ensure debate does not get out of hand.

By allowing readers to have their say, comments sections provide a glimpse into the orientation of a reading community. They give people a forum for their personal views and allow them to add links to articles related to the main post. These additions can add balance to a slanted opinion piece or they can distort well-crafted arguments by promoting false or discredited information.
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Hate Speech Thriving on Internet Message Boards

Israel Matzav: Europe's demographic time bomb

Europe's demographic time bomb

Until I saw this video, I did not realize just how bad the numbers were. Europe is likely to be Muslim by the middle part of this century. Canada may be as well. And it's only Latino immigration that's preventing the US from going the same
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Israel Matzav: Europe's demographic time bomb

Israel Matzav: Mark Steyn on Obama's Orwellian picture of the Holocaust

Mark Steyn on Obama's Orwellian picture of the Holocaust

In The Corner, Mark Steyn comments on Michael Ledeen's article regarding Obama's Orwellian picture of the Holocaust, which I excerpted and commented on here.
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Israel Matzav: Mark Steyn on Obama's Orwellian picture of the Holocaust

Israel Matzav: The Obama doctrine

I just wanted to point out this article by Ralph Peters that appeared in Wednesday's New York Post. If any of you haven't seen it, it's worth the time to read it.
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Israel Matzav: The Obama doctrine

Israel Matzav: 'A chilling effect on US counter-terrorism'

'A chilling effect on US counter-terrorism'

In its weekly report, Stratfor describes some of the effects of the release of the 'torture memos' - and potentially of a 'truth commission' - on US counter-terrorist intelligence capabilities.

Politics and moral arguments aside, the end effect of the memos’ release is that people who have put their lives on the line in U.S. counterterrorism efforts are now uncertain of whether they should be making that sacrifice. Many of these people are now questioning whether the administration that happens to be in power at any given time will recognize the fact that they were carrying out lawful orders under a previous administration. It is hard to retain officers and attract quality recruits in this kind of environment. It has become safer to work in programs other than counterterrorism.
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Israel Matzav: 'A chilling effect on US counter-terrorism'